Redundant Appliances

Use these procedures to upgrade redundant appliances to SolOS-TR 10.10.1.

These upgrade procedures only apply to the latest version of the Solace PubSub+ appliance. Refer to the version-specific documentation to upgrade to versions before SolOS-TR 10.10.1.

With Guaranteed Messaging

To upgrade SolOS software to SolOS-TR 10.10.1 without a prolonged service outage on a redundant appliance pair that uses guaranteed messaging, follow the procedure in this section.

In the example solace-primary is the primary appliance, and solace-backup is the backup.

Before you begin

Perform the following steps to ensure the redundant pair is in the correct state before upgrading.

  1. Review the appliance upgrade notices.

  2. Ensure that the internal disks are in a redundant state on both the primary and backup appliances.

    solace-primary> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                             up                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: Yes
    solace-backup> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                             up                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: Yes

    If the displayed output shows the RAID disk 1 and disk 2 drives to be in a non-redundant state (see example below), contact Solace and stop this software upgrade procedure immediately to prevent software corruption on the appliance.

    Some appliances contain slots for disk 3 and disk 4, however, these slots are not presently used, and the redundancy state for disk 3 and disk 4 should be ignored.

  3. Copy the latest SolOS software from an external file server (using either SFTP or SCP) to the /loads subdirectory on both appliances.

    solace-primary# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-primary# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads


    <username>, <ip-addr>, and <remote-pathname> correspond to the access information of where the new SolOS software is located.

  4. Copy the correct SolBase software for the latest SolOS version software (the correct SolBase software is packaged with each SolOS version) from an external file server (using either SFTP or SCP) to the /loads subdirectory on both appliances.

  5. Ensure that the primary appliance is in the correct redundancy state.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance should look like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active               AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby                 Active

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance should look like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Shutdown           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1                          
    VRRP VRID                      50                                         
    Routing Interface Status       Up                                          
    VRRP Status                    Master                                  
    VRRP Priority                  250                                        
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active                          
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby                    
    • If the Message Spool Status of the Primary Virtual Router is not AD-Active, loss of spooled messages may occur during the upgrade.
    • The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration. Solace recommends a setting of No for this option, but either is valid.
  6. Ensure that the backup appliance is in the correct redundancy state.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance should look like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby                 Active

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance should look like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Shutdown                Mate Active           
    Routing Interface                                      1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                                              50                    
    Routing Interface Status                               Up                    
    VRRP Status                                            Backup                
    VRRP Priority                                          100                   
    Message Spool Status                                   AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate                              Active

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration. Solace recommends a setting of No for this option, but either is valid.

  7. With the exception of the Auto Revert value, if the redundancy state of either the primary or backup appliance does not correspond to the examples above, do NOT upgrade the appliances. Instead, contact Solace for further instructions.

  8. If using Config-Sync, confirm that it is operationally Up on both primary and backup appliances, which means all configuration is synchronized.

    solace-primary> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up 
    solace-backup> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up

    If the operational status of Config-Sync is not Up, you should resolve this before proceeding. Otherwise you may lose configuration during the upgrade.

Before upgrading the appliance, SolAdmin may also need to be upgraded. In addition, after the upgrade, SolGeneos Agent may also need to be upgraded. See Appliance Upgrade Notices for more information.


  1. Follow all steps in Before you begin. Do not proceed if you cannot confirm that the system is in the correct state.

  2. Make a copy of the current SolOS configuration in the /configs subdirectory on both appliances:

    solace-primary> enable
    solace-primary# copy current-config /configs/<old_version>_preUpgradeCfg
    solace-backup> enable
    solace-backup# copy current-config /configs/<old_version>_preUpgradeCfg


    <old_version> is the version number of current SolOS software as seen in the output of the show version command.

  3. On the backup appliance, release activity to the primary appliance:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# release-activity
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  4. On the primary appliance, confirm the redundancy status.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the Activity Status for both virtual routers should be Local Active:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Local Active          
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Master                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     250                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active               AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      Release                 Release

    If using the Active/Standby redundancy mode, the Activity Status for the primary virtual router should be Local Active:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              
    VRRP VRID                      50                      
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      
    VRRP Status                    Master                  
    VRRP Priority                  250                     
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active               
    Priority Reported By Mate      Release

    If the redundancy status on the primary appliance is not correct, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Solace Technical Support for further instructions.

  5. If you are using Config-Sync, confirm that it is operationally Up on the primary appliance.

    solace-primary> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up 

    If the operational status of Config-Sync is not Up, you should resolve this before proceeding.

  6. If you are using MQTT retained messages in your deployment, verify that your retain cache instances are synchronized. For more information, refer to Verifying Retain Cache Redundancy.

  7. Upgrade the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# boot <new_version>


    <new_version> is the version number of new SolOS software that was previously copied to the appliance.

  8. Respond to prompts and then wait for the backup appliance to restart using the new SolOS software. This may take several minutes. You will be disconnected from the CLI and have to reconnect to the appliance.

  9. Once reconnected to the backup appliance, confirm that the appliance has started using the new software version:

    solace-backup> enable
    solace-backup# show version
  10. Allow activity back to the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# no release-activity
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  11. On the backup appliance, confirm the redundancy status.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Mate Active             Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Backup                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  100                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate      Active                  Active 

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Shutdown                Mate Active           
    Routing Interface                                      1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                                              50                    
    Routing Interface Status                               Up                    
    VRRP Status                                            Backup                
    VRRP Priority                                          100                   
    Message Spool Status                                   AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate                              Active

    It may take several minutes for the backup redundancy status to transition to Up state as the backup router synchronises its states from the primary appliance.

    If the redundancy status on the backup appliance is not correct, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Solace Technical Support for further instructions.

  12. If you are using Config-Sync, confirm that it is operationally Up on the backup appliance.

    solace-backup> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up

    If the operational status of Config-Sync is not Up, you should resolve this before proceeding.

  13. Release activity on the primary appliance to the backup appliance:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# release-activity
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end
  14. On the backup appliance, confirm the redundancy status.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Local Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Master                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     240                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Active            
    Priority Reported By Mate      Release                 Release

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Shutdown                Local Active           
    Routing Interface                                      1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                                              50                    
    Routing Interface Status                               Up                    
    VRRP Status                                            Master                
    VRRP Priority                                          240                   
    Message Spool Status                                   AD-Active            
    Priority Reported By Mate                              Release 

    If the redundancy status on the backup appliance is not correct, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Solace Technical Support for further instructions.

  15. If you are using MQTT retained messages in your deployment, verify that your retain cache instances are synchronized. For more information, refer to Verifying Retain Cache Redundancy.

  16. Upgrade the primary appliance:

    solace-primary# boot <new version>


    <new_version> is the version number of the new SolOS software that was previously copied to the appliance.

  17. Respond to prompts and then wait for the primary appliance to restart using the new SolOS software. This may take several minutes. You will be disconnected from the CLI and have to reconnect to the appliance.

  18. Once reconnected to the primary appliance, confirm that the appliance has started using the new software version:

    solace-primary> enable
    solace-primary# show version
  19. Allow activity on the primary:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# no release-activity
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end
  20. On the primary appliance, confirm the redundancy status.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Mate Active             Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Backup                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  150                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Standby              AD-Disabled
    Priority Reported By Mate      Active                  Active

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Mate Active             Shutdown           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  150                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate      Active

    It may take several minutes for the primary redundancy status to transition to Up state as the backup router synchronises its states from the primary appliance.

  21. If you are using Config-Sync, confirm that it is operationally Up on the primary appliance.

    solace-primary> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up 

    If the operational status of Config-Sync is not Up, you should resolve this before proceeding.

  22. If auto-revert is not configured, revert activity to the primary appliance from the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# admin
    solace-backup(admin)# redundancy revert-activity
    solace-backup(admin)# end
  23. Ensure that the primary appliance is in the correct redundancy state.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active               AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby                 Active

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the primary appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Shutdown           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1                          
    VRRP VRID                      50                                         
    Routing Interface Status       Up                                          
    VRRP Status                    Master                                  
    VRRP Priority                  250                                        
    Message Spool Status           AD-Active                          
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration.

  24. Ensure that the backup appliance is in the correct redundancy state.

    If using Active/Active redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate      Standby                 Active 

    If using Active/Standby redundancy mode, the output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Standby
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Up
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Up
                                   Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
                                   ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Shutdown                Mate Active           
    Routing Interface                                      1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                                              50                    
    Routing Interface Status                               Up                    
    VRRP Status                                            Backup                
    VRRP Priority                                          100                   
    Message Spool Status                                   AD-Standby            
    Priority Reported By Mate                              Active

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration.

  25. If you are using Config-Sync, confirm that it is operationally Up on both the primary and backup appliances.

    solace-primary> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up 
    solace-backup> show config-sync
    Admin Status                      : Enabled
    Oper Status                       : Up

You have completed this procedure.

Without Guaranteed Messaging

To upgrade the SolOS software to SolOS-TR 10.10.1 without a prolonged service outage on a redundant appliance pair that doesn't use guaranteed messaging , follow this procedure.

In the example solace-primary is the primary appliance, and solace-backup is the backup.

Before you begin

Perform the following steps to ensure the redundant pair is in the correct state before upgrading.

  1. Review the appliance upgrade notices.

  2. Ensure that the internal disks are in a redundant state on both the primary and backup appliances.

    solace-primary> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                             up                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: Yes
    solace-backup> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                             up                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: Yes

    If the displayed output shows the RAID disk 1 and disk 2 drives to be in a non-redundant state (see example below), contact Solace Technical Support and stop this software upgrade procedure immediately to prevent software corruption on the appliance.

    Some appliances contain slots for disk 3 and disk 4, however, these slots are not presently used, and the redundancy state for disk 3 and disk 4 should be ignored.

    solace-primary> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                         failed                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: No
    solace-backup> show disk 
    Reload required:               No
    Attribute                                 Disk 1                        Disk 2
    ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
    Device Model                         ST3250820NS                   ST3250820NS
    Capacity (MB)                             238475                        238475
    Admin State                              enabled                       enabled
    Operational State                         failed                            up
    RAID in fully redundant state: No    
  3. Copy the latest SolOS software from an external file server (using either SFTP or SCP) to the /loads subdirectory on both appliances.

    solace-primary# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-primary# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads


    <username>, <ip-addr>, and <remote-pathname> correspond to the access information of where the new SolOS software is located.

  4. Copy the correct SolBase software for the latest SolOS version (the correct SolBase software is packaged with each SolOS version) from an external file server (using either SFTP or SCP) to the /loads subdirectory on both appliances.

    solace-primary# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-primary# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy sftp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads
    solace-backup# copy scp://[<username>@]<ip-addr>/<remote-pathname> /loads


    <username>, <ip-addr>, and <remote-pathname> correspond to the access information of where the new SolBase software is located.

  5. Ensure that the primary appliance is in the correct redundancy state. The output from show redundancy on the primary appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      None                    Active    

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration. Solace recommends a setting of No for this option, but either is valid.

    Ensure that the backup appliance is in the correct redundancy state. The output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      None                    Active      

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration. Solace recommends a setting of No for this option, but either is valid.

  6. With the exception of the Auto Revert value, if the redundancy state of either the primary or backup appliance does not correspond to the examples above, do NOT upgrade the appliances. Instead, contact Solace Technical Support for further instructions.

Before upgrading the appliance, SolAdmin and SolGeneos Agent may also need to be upgraded. See Appliance Upgrade Notices for more information.


  1. Follow all steps in Before you begin. Do not proceed if you cannot confirm that the system is in the correct state.
  2. Make a copy of the current SolOS configuration in the /configs subdirectory on both appliances:

    solace-primary> enable
    solace-primary# copy current-config /configs/<old_version>_preUpgradeCfg
    solace-backup> enable
    solace-backup# copy current-config /configs/<old_version>_preUpgradeCfg


    <old_version> is the version number of current SolOS software as seen in the output of the show version command.

  3. Ensure both appliances have auto-revert set to not enabled:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# no auto-revert
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end
    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# no auto-revert
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  4. On the primary appliance, release activity to the backup appliance:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# release-activity
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end
  5. On the primary appliance, confirm that the backup appliance has taken activity. The Activity Status for both virtual routers should be Mate Active:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled-Released
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Mate Active             Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Backup                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  0                       0                     
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      Active                  Active    

    If the backup appliance has not taken activity, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Solace Technical Support for further instructions.

  6. If you are using MQTT retained messages in your deployment, verify that your retain cache instances are synchronized. For more information, refer to Verifying Retain Cache Redundancy.

  7. Shut down the Msg-Backbone service on the primary appliance:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# service msg-backbone
    solace-primary(configure/service/msg-backbone)# shutdown
    All SMF, WEB, and REST clients will be disconnected.
    Do you want to continue (y/n)? y
    solace-primary(configure/service/msg-backbone)# end
  8. Upgrade the primary appliance:

    solace-primary# boot <new_version>


    <new_version> is the version number of the new SolOS software that was previously copied to the appliance.

  9. Respond to prompts and then wait for the primary appliance to restart using the new SolOS software. This may take several minutes. You will be disconnected from the CLI and have to reconnect to the appliance.

  10. Once reconnected, confirm that the appliance has started using the new software version:

    solace-primary> enable
    solace-primary# show version
  11. Start the Msg-Backbone service that was shut down on the primary appliance:

    solace-primary(configure)# service msg-backbone
    solace-primary(configure/service/msg-backbone)# no shutdown
    solace-primary(configure/service/msg-backbone)# end
  12. Revert activity back to the primary appliance from the backup appliance.

    Enter the no release-activity command on the primary appliance to allow activity to return back to it:

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# no release-activity
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end

    Enter the redundancy revert-activity Admin command on the backup appliance to administratively force it to give up service:

    solace-backup# admin
    solace-backup(admin)# redundancy revert-activity
    solace-backup(admin)# end
  13. On the backup appliance, release activity to the primary appliance:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# release-activity
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  14. Confirm on the primary appliance that it has taken activity for both virtual routers. The Activity Status for both virtual routers should be Local Active:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Down
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Local Active          
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Master                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     250                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      None                    None                           

    If the primary appliance is not active for both virtual routers, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Systems technical support for further instructions.

  15. If you are using MQTT retained messages in your deployment, verify that your retain cache instances are synchronized. For more information, refer to Verifying Retain Cache Redundancy.

  16. Shut down the Msg-Backbone service on the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# service msg-backbone
    solace-backup(configure/service/msg-backbone)# shutdown
    All SMF, WEB, and REST clients will be disconnected.
    Do you want to continue (y/n)? y
    solace-backup(configure/service/msg-backbone)# end
  17. Upgrade the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# boot <new version>


    <new_version> is the version number of new SolOS software that was previously copied to the appliance.

  18. Respond to prompts and then wait for the backup appliance to restart using the new SolOS software. This may take several minutes. You will be disconnected from the CLI and have to reconnect to the appliance.

  19. Once reconnected to the backup appliance, confirm that the appliance has started using the new software version:

    solace-backup> enable
    solace-backup# show version
  20. Start the Msg-Backbone service that was shut down on the backup appliance:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# service msg-backbone
    solace-backup(configure/service/msg-backbone)# no shutdown
    solace-backup(configure/service/msg-backbone)# end
  21. Enter the no release-activity command on the backup appliance to allow activity to return back to it:

    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# no release-activity
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  22. Enter the redundancy revert-activity Admin command on the primary appliance to administratively force it to give up service:

    solace-primary# admin
    solace-primary(admin)# redundancy revert-activity
    solace-primary(admin)# end
  23. On the primary appliance, confirm that the primary appliance is active for the primary virtual router and the backup appliance is active for the backup virtual router. The Activity Status line should read Local Active for the primary virtual router and Mate Active for the backup virtual router:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-primary# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-backup
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      50                      197                   
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      None                    Active    

    If the activity status is not correct, do NOT proceed with the upgrade. Instead, contact Solace for further instructions.

  24. If the redundancy auto-revert setting was set to not enabled in step 3, enable it on both appliances:

    Solace recommends running redundancy with auto-revert not enabled.

    solace-primary# configure
    solace-primary(configure)# redundancy
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# auto-revert
    solace-primary(configure/redundancy)# end
    solace-backup# configure
    solace-backup(configure)# redundancy
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# auto-revert
    solace-backup(configure/redundancy)# end
  25. Ensure that the backup appliance is in the correct redundancy state.

    The output from show redundancy on the backup appliance looks like this:

    Example (Output may vary by appliance version):

    solace-backup# show redundancy 
    Configuration Status     : Enabled
    Redundancy Status        : Up
    Auto Revert              : No
    Redundancy Mode          : Active/Active
    Mate Router Name         : solace-primary
    ADB Link To Mate         : Down
    ADB Hello To Mate        : Down
    Primary Virtual Router  Backup Virtual Router 
    ----------------------  ----------------------
    Activity Status                Local Active            Mate Active           
    Routing Interface              1/6/lag1:1              1/6/lag1:2            
    VRRP VRID                      197                     50                    
    Routing Interface Status       Up                      Up                    
    VRRP Status                    Master                  Backup                
    VRRP Priority                  250                     100                   
    Message Spool Status           AD-Disabled             AD-Disabled           
    Priority Reported By Mate      None                    Active  

    The Auto Revert value is a configurable option and may be set to Yes, depending on the redundant system configuration.

You have completed this procedure.