Configuring Common and Vendor-Specific Parameters

When you configure your Micro-Integration when you create or edit it, you configure parameters based on the Micro-Integration Type that you're using. For information for either the source or target Micro-Integrations, see the following vendor-specific parameters:

Amazon SNS Parameters

You can only configure a target Micro-Integration for Amazon SNS.

Amazon SNS Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure Amazon SNS.

Field Description
AWS Access Key An access key identifier.
AWS Secret Key The secret key associated with the AWS Access Key.
AWS Region The AWS region for this SNS topic.
Destination The target SNS topic name or ARN.

For Amazon SNS message headers, see Amazon SNS Message Headers.

Amazon SQS Parameters

Depending on the type of Micro-Integration that you're configuring for Amazon SQS, fill in the vendor-specific information using the following tables: 

Amazon SQS Source Parameters

The following are the source parameters to configure Amazon SQS.

Field Description
AWS Access Key An access key identifier.
AWS Secret Key The secret key associated with the AWS Access Key.
AWS Region The AWS region for this SNS topic.
Queue Name The source SQS queue name.

Amazon SQS Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure Amazon SQS.

Field Description
AWS Access Key An access key identifier.
AWS Secret Key The secret key associated with the AWS Access Key.
AWS Region The AWS region for this SNS topic.
Queue Name The target SQS queue name.

For Amazon SQS message headers, see Amazon SQS Message Headers.

Azure Service Bus Parameters

Depending on the type of Micro-Integration that you're configuring for Azure Service Bus, fill in the vendor-specific information using the following tables: 

Azure Service Bus Source Parameters

The following are the source parameters to configure Azure Service Bus.

Field Description
Service Bus Namespace Connection String The name of the Azure Service Bus connection.
Destination The source destination.
Subscription The subscription name for the group consumer.

Azure Service Bus Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure Azure Service Bus.

Field Description
Service Bus Namespace Connection String The name of the Azure Service Bus connection.
Destination The target destination.

For Azure Service Bus message headers, see Azure Service Bus Message Headers.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Parameters

Depending on the type of Micro-Integration that you're configuring for Google Cloud Pub/Sub, fill in the vendor-specific information using the following tables: 

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Source Parameters

The following are the source parameters to configure Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Field Description
Project ID The Google Cloud project identifier.
Credentials The Google Cloud Application Default Credential (ADC). The maximum length is 10000 characters.
Destination The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic name.
Subscription Name The Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription name.
Auto-Create Resources The option to auto-create the Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic and/or subscription if it doesn't exist. The option is disabled by default.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Field Description
Project ID The Google Cloud project identifier.
Credentials The Google Cloud Application Default Credential (ADC). The maximum length is 10000 characters.
Destination The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic name.
Auto-Create Resources The option to auto-create the Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic if it doesn't exist. The option is disabled by default.

For Azure Service Bus message headers, see Azure Service Bus Message Headers.

IBM MQ Parameters

Depending on the type of Micro-Integration that you're configuring for IBM MQ, fill in the vendor-specific information using the following tables: 

IBM MQ Source Parameters

The following are the source parameters to configure IBM MQ.

Field Description
Connection Choose whether to use a Native Connection or a JNDI.
  Native Connection Use a Native Connection when you have all the connection details and credential information to connect to IBM MQ
  Connection Name The name of the connection to IBM MQ, such as the hostname or IP address. For example, (1414), where is the host and 1414 is the port.
Username The username to authenticate with IBM MQ.


The password to authenticate with IBM MQ.
Queue Manager The name of the queue manager on IBM MQ. For example, QM1.
Channel The channel on IBM MQ. For example,DEV.APP.SVRCONN.
JNDI Lookup Use JNDI lookup to retrieve the necessary information to connect to IBM MQ.
  Connection Factory Name The name of factory name for the connection.
Username The username to authenticate with IBM MQ.
Password The password to authenticate with IBM MQ.

Add Context

(Optional) The IBM MQ connection properties (refer to the IBM MQ documentation). The required connection properties are as follows:

  • java.naming.provider.url
  • java.naming.factory.initial

(Optional) Click Add Context if you need to specify additional contexts.

Destination     The binding identifier of the queue in IBM MQ. For example, my-ibmmq-target-queue_mqConnector_mq_sourceQ_10.
Destination Type     Select TOPIC or QUEUE when the destination name is known, otherwise use UNKNOWN for a JNDI lookup.

IBM MQ Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure IBM MQ.

Field Description
Connection Choose whether to use a Native Connection or a JNDI.
  Native Connection Use a Native Connection when you have all the connection details and credential information to connect to IBM MQ
  Connection Name The name of the connection to IBM MQ, such as the hostname or IP address. For example, (1414), where is the host and 1414 is the port.
Username The username to authenticate with IBM MQ.


The password to authenticate with IBM MQ.
Queue Manager The name of the queue manager on IBM MQ. For example, QM1.
Channel The channel on IBM MQ. For example,DEV.APP.SVRCONN.
JNDI Lookup Use JNDI lookup to retrieve the necessary information to connect to IBM MQ.
  Connection Factory Name The name of factory name for the connection.
Username The username to authenticate with IBM MQ.
Password The password to authenticate with IBM MQ.

Add Context

The IBM MQ connection properties (refer to the IBM MQ documentation). The required connection properties are as follows:

  • java.naming.provider.url
  • java.naming.factory.initial

(Optional) Click Add Context if you need to specify additional contexts.

Destination     The binding identifier of the queue in IBM MQ. For example, my-ibmmq-source-queue_mqConnector_mq_sourceQ_10.
Destination Type     Select TOPIC or QUEUE when the destination name is known, otherwise use UNKNOWN for a JNDI lookup.

For IBM MQ message headers, see IBM MQ Message Headers.

To configure the event broker service, see Configuring Event Broker Service Connection Details for Micro-Integrations.

MQTT Parameters

Depending on the type of Micro-Integration that you're configuring for MQTT, fill in the vendor-specific information using the following tables: 

Solace recommends that you configure optional username and password parameters to access the MQTT external system.

MQTT Source Parameters

The following are the source parameters to configure MQTT.

Field Description
    MQTT Server URIs The comma-separated list of MQTT server URIs, such as tcp://host:port.
    MQTT Version (Optional) The MQTT version. The default is MQTT v5.

(Optional) The username for authentication with the MQTT broker.

    Password (Optional) The password for authentication with the MQTT broker.
    Enable Clean Session

(Optional) The option to enable an MQTT Clean Session. The option is enabled by default.

For more information about MQTT Clean Sessions, see MQTT Sessions.

  Session Expiry Interval

(Optional) The number of seconds for the MQTT Session Expiry Interval. The minimum value is 0.

For more information about MQTT Session Expiry Intervals, see MQTT Clean Start and Session Expiry Interval.

  Enable Automatic Reconnect (Optional) The option to enable automatic reconnection. The option is enabled by default.
  Automatic Reconnect Delay

(Optional) The maximum number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 30.

  Connection Timeout

(Optional) The number of seconds for the connection timeout. The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 30.

  Keep Alive Interval

(Optional) The number of seconds for the MQTT Keep Alive interval.The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 60.

For more information about MQTT Keep Alive, see MQTT Keep Alive Parameter.

  SSL Configuration

(Optional) The option to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration. The default is Disable SSL Configuration.

The below options appear if SSL configuration is enabled.

  Certificate Authority (CA) certificate The Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
Client Certificate The client certificate.
Client Private Key The client private key.
Client Private Key Password The client private key password.
Server Hostname Verification The option to enable server hostname verification. The option is disabled by default.
Will Configuration

(Optional) The option to enable MQTT Last Will configuration. The default is Disable Will Configuration.

The below options appear if Last Will configuration is enabled.

  Last Will Topic

The MQTT Last Will topic to publish to.

For more information about MQTT Last Will or Will Message, see MQTT Will Message.

Last Will QoS

The quality of service for the MQTT Last Will. The level of the quality of service can be 0, 1, or 2. The default is 0.

Last Will Retain The option to retain the MQTT Will Message. The option is disabled by default.
Last Will Message The payload for the MQTT Will Message.
Will Message Delay Interval The number of seconds for the MQTT Will Message delay interval.
Will Message Expiry Interval The number of seconds for the MQTT Will Message expiry interval.
Will Message Content Type The Content Type of the MQTT Will Message.
Response Topic

The topic name for the MQTT response message.

For more information about MQTT response messages, see MQTT Request and Response.

Correlation Data

The MQTT Correlation Data.

For more information about MQTT Correlation Data, see MQTT Request and Response.


The MQTT topic name. This field supports multiple topics where each topic is separated by a comma, wildcards, and shared subscriptions (MQTT v5 only).

For more information about MQTT topics, see MQTT Topics and Wildcards.

  Client ID (Optional) The client identifier for the consumer connection.
  QoS (Optional) The quality of service for consumed messages. The default value is 1.
  Enable DLT

(Optional) The option to enable Dead-Letter topics (DLT) for failed consumer messages. If the DLT Name is not configured, failed consumer messages are forwarded to the dlt/{source-topic-name} topic.

For more information about Dead-Letter topics, see Dead-Letter Topic Processing.

  DLT Name

(Optional) The name of the Dead-Letter topic. If DLT is enabled, failed consumer messages are forwarded to the topic that is configured with the DLT name.

MQTT Target Parameters

The following are the target parameters to configure MQTT.

Field Description
    MQTT Server URIs The comma-separated list of MQTT server URIs, such as tcp://host:port.
    MQTT Version (Optional) The MQTT version. The default is MQTT v5.

(Optional) The username for authentication with the MQTT broker.

    Password (Optional) The password for authentication with the MQTT broker.
    Enable Clean Session

(Optional) The option to enable an MQTT Clean Session. The option is enabled by default.

For more information about MQTT Clean Sessions, see MQTT Sessions.

  Session Expiry Interval

(Optional) The number of seconds for the MQTT Session Expiry Interval. The minimum value is 0.

For more information about MQTT Session Expiry Intervals, see MQTT Clean Start and Session Expiry Interval.

  Enable Automatic Reconnect (Optional) The option to enable automatic reconnection. The option is enabled by default.
  Automatic Reconnect Delay

(Optional) The maximum number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 30.

  Connection Timeout

(Optional) The number of seconds for the connection timeout. The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 30.

  Keep Alive Interval

(Optional) The number of seconds for the MQTT Keep Alive interval. The number of seconds can be 0 or more. The default is 60.

For more information about MQTT Keep Alive, see MQTT Keep Alive Parameter.

  SSL Configuration

(Optional) The option to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration. The default is Disable SSL Configuration.

The below options appear if SSL configuration is enabled.

  Certificate Authority (CA) certificate The Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
Client Certificate The client certificate.
Client Private Key The client private key.
Client Private Key Password The client private key password.
Server Hostname Verification The option to enable server hostname verification. The option is disabled by default.
Will Configuration

(Optional) The option to enable MQTT Last Will configuration. The default is Disable Will Configuration.

The below options appear if Last Will configuration is enabled.

  Last Will Topic

The MQTT Last Will topic to publish to.

For more information about MQTT Last Will or Will Message, see MQTT Will Message.

Last Will QoS The quality of service for the MQTT Last Will. The level of the quality of service can be 0, 1, or 2. The default is 0.
Last Will Retain The option to retain the MQTT Will Message. The option is disabled by default.
Last Will Message The payload for the MQTT Will Message.
Will Message Delay Interval The number of seconds for the MQTT Will Message delay interval.
Will Message Expiry Interval The number of seconds for the MQTT Will Message expiry interval.
Will Message Content Type The Content Type of the MQTT Will Message.
Response Topic

The topic name for the MQTT response message.

For more information about MQTT response messages, see MQTT Request and Response.

Correlation Data

The MQTT Correlation Data.

For more information about MQTT Correlation Data, see MQTT Request and Response.


The MQTT topic name. This field supports multiple topics where each topic is separated by a comma, wildcards, and shared subscriptions (MQTT v5 only).

For more information about MQTT topics, see MQTT Topics and Wildcards.

Client ID (Optional) The client identifier for the publisher connection.
QoS (Optional) The quality of service for published messages. The default value is 1.

(Optional) The option to retain published messages. The option is disabled by default.

For more information about MQTT retained messages, see MQTT Retained Messages.

Async Publish

(Optional) The option to publish asynchronously. The option is disabled by default.