Designing Micro-Integrations

You can create two types of Micro-Integrations between a PubSub+ event broker service and your external system: 

  • Target Micro-Integrations—Data flows from the event broker service through the Micro-Integration to the external system.

  • SourceMicro-Integrations—Data flows from an external system through the Micro-Integrationto the event broker service.

For more information, see PubSub+ Cloud-Managed Micro-Integrations .


Before you start creating a Micro-Integration, it's presumed that you have:

Create a Micro-Integration

To create a Micro-Integration, perform these steps: 

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.
  2. On the navigation bar, select Micro-Integrations and then, on the Micro-Integrations page, click Create Micro-Integration.

    If it is your first time, you may see a pop-up screen. Select Check Out Available Micro-Integration to create a new Micro-Integration or Explore On My Own to deploy an already existing Micro-Integration.

  3. Select a source or target Micro-Integration for your requirement (see Designing Micro-Integrations).

  4. On the Create Micro-Integration Flow Stepper page, for the Details step, enter a unique name for your Micro-Integration. Optionally, add a description for it, and then click Next: Source Connection.

  5. On the Source Connection step, perform the following to enter the configuration details:

    1. If you are creating a source Micro-Integration, enter the details for it. See Configuring Common and Vendor-Specific Parameters.

    2. If you are creating a target Micro-Integration, enter your event broker service details. See Configuring Event Broker Service Connection Details for Micro-Integrations.

    3. Click  Next: Target Header Mappings.

  6. (Optional) On the Target Header Mappings step, enter the target header name and header expression for any header mapping that you want to create, and then, click Next: Target Connection.

    The values can be strings and an expression using the Spring Expression Language (SpEL).
    For example, if you have a target message header called custom-message-id, and you want it to be prefixed with a prefix called myprefix-, the header expression is "myprefix- + headers.solace_applicationMessageId", and the resulting header value is custom-message-id = myprefix-ORDER1234, where ORDER1234 is a dynamic value that is evaluated at runtime from the source message header.

  7. On the Target Connection step, perform the following to enter the configuration details:

    1. If you are creating a source Micro-Integration, enter your event broker service details. See Configuring Event Broker Service Connection Details for Micro-Integrations.

    2. If your are creating a target Micro-Integration, enter the details for it. For more information, see Configuring Common and Vendor-Specific Parameters.

    3. Click Next: Summary.

  8. On the Summary step, verify the details on the Source Connection, Target Header Mapping, and Target Connection tabs. If everything looks correct, click Create.